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Our Easter Assembly

Easter Collective Worship prepared by the children

smileyWelcome to Year 4 Mrs Neesam's Classsmiley


Summer Term 2017 


After Easter, we will continue our Geographical studies and learn to understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom. We will compare Southport with Keswick. Children will have opportunities to use maps at different scales, relate photos to maps, study aerial views, look at ordnance survey map symbols and look at land use patterns and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time.



The 'Spring Term 2-Summer Term 1' Creative Geography Overview below features how subjects connect through this topic making it exciting and fun to study.




General Information


Children are asked to bring their reading book and diary to school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform you when Guided Reading sessions have taken place. Please spend time with your child discussing the setting, characters and development of plot to further their understanding of the text. Books are logged and children are encouraged to clearly note dates and pages read. Feedback from parents/carers is always greatly appreciated.




Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned in the folder provided the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths based activity to reinforce learning which has taken place during the week and a spelling activity. The children will be tested each Friday on the spelling words and they will be assessed each Monday on times table facts.



After Easter, we will focus on developing our tennis skills and train in the hall enjoying rigorous keep fit sessions!







Curriculum Map and Autumn Creative Overview

Spring Term 2-Summer 1 Creative Overview

Year 4 Maths Objectives- Spring Term 2017

Year 4 Maths Objectives- Summer Term 2017

Football Fun with Mr Beckham

Art Visit in March 2017


We enjoyed a fun and exciting Art lesson with Tim Quinn who works for comic book companies. He helped us to see how Art is alive!


We looked at some of Tim's Marvel Comic covers and we enjoyed listening to how he has developed as an artist over the years.


We created a super hero cartoon character ourselves and were asked to think about his/her powers. 


Enjoy looking at photos of our Art visit. Tim has inspired us to continue creating superheroes and to enjoy writing stories about them. Who knows, there may well be a comic illustrator amongst us for the future!

Cartoon Art with Tim Quinn

Keep Fit sessions- March 2017

We had a fantastic day recently at Stanley High School. The Young Leaders in Year 8 had organised a range of team games for us to enjoy during a P.E. session. We met Mr Clark the D.T. teacher and he helped us to make our very own mobile phone stand.

We created a 'Fantastic Beast' during an English lesson and shared our ideas with each other learning to improve our writing.

Despite the bitter, cold weather, we ventured around the school's farm and had the opportunity to hold a bearded dragon called Stanley and we fed and stroked some hamsters and guinea pigs. Enjoy looking at the photographs of our visit.

Our visit to Stanley High School - Jan 2017

Roman Trip to Chester November 2016

Despite the heavy rain, we had a great day in Chester at the Roman Dewa Experience. Armed with our shields, we marched through the streets towards the Roman Gardens and there, we practised our 'Tortoise' formation. 

We cheered on as Celiene (Spartacus) and Mrs Sawyer (Julius) fought in the ampitheatre and then we followed the Roman soldier in command back towards the Dewa Museum for a fun filled afternoon exploring archeological finds and playing Roman games.


St Patricks St Maries