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Year 6P

Welcome to Year 6P


A very warm welcome to our new Year 6 cohort here at St. Patrick's. We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and feel rested and fresh, ready to start our autumn term.

Year 6 is a very important year for all of our pupils, and, as a staff, we will work incredibly hard to make it their best year yet. Parents and pupils often have lots of questions about Year 6, so please feel free to contact school if you ever have any worries or would like a quick chat about your child. We know this year will be brilliant, and we are really looking forward to working collaboratively with you and all of our Year 6 children, to ensure this year is successful and fun for all.


Year 6 team: Mr Kelleher and Mrs Garlick!



General Information


Class Email:




Homework will be set every Monday (hardcopy) and is expected to be returned to school the following Monday. Year 6 homework will be marked in the classroom as part of your child's English and Maths lessons. If your child has struggled with a particular question, please don't worry as there will be an opportunity to look at the questions together. It's important that they work as independently as possible. As much as we understand that homework may feel like a chore, getting into a routine in Year 6 will help to prepare your child for High School. 


Homework Tasks

Reading - Your child should be reading daily - independently or to an adult. 


Spelling - Weekly spellings will be sent home using the LCWC sheet. 


Arithmetic - The children are expected to spend a maximum of 30 minutes on their arithmetic homework - this can be broken up over several nights. If your child hasn't managed to complete all of the questions within 30 minutes, it's absolutely fine! This is something that they can work towards as the year progresses. 


If you have any problems or questions about the homework, please send an email or pop in to see us! 



This half term, our PE lessons will take place on Wednesday (PDS) and Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit – branded shorts etc. are not part of  our school uniform.  On cooler days, the children may wear jogging bottoms, but they must still wear their school cardigan or jumper – no hoodies, thank you. 



Please ensure that all school uniform is labelled with your child's name. Your child will be expected to wear their winter uniform until Tuesday 22nd April. 



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date. 



As we are a ‘Healthy School’ we would like to remind parents that a healthy snack at playtime is encouraged. Please don’t send any chocolate or sweets into school as a snack, thank you. 

Year 6 Maths Objectives

Year 6P's Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1 - Curriculum

St Patricks St Maries