Home Page

Year 5F

Welcome to Mrs Farley's Year 5 Class! 




We are now in the final term of Year 5 and would like to once again congratulate the children on the hard work and the commitment they have shown across all of the subjects they have covered so far this year.


We have lots to look forward to with Sports Day and the Summer Fair later on this term.

We will begin a new History topic about the Ancient Greeks and make mazes in Design Technology.


I would urge the children to keep practising those times tables and spellings!



General Information



Please let the school office know if your contact details have changed. It is important that we have the correct information on file.



This term, our P.E. lessons will be on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please send your child to school in their full P.E. kit. The children must also have their school jumper or cardigan, no hoodies please. 



The children are welcome to bring a snack to be eaten during morning or afternoon break times.  Please ensure that these snacks are healthy!


Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us as soon as possible. If an inhaler or any other medication is required, please ensure the correct form has been completed and the medication is in date.



Homework will be set every Monday. Please encourage your child to complete the weekly tasks, as well as to read for approximately 20 minutes each night.  The children will be tested on their spellings and times tables regularly.


Spelling and Times Tables Links

It is important that the children can quickly recall all the times tables and previous spellings they have been taught.  This will really help their learning in Year 5.  The websites below can help the children do this at their own pace and in a fun way. (children can use their school login)


Please do not hesitate to speak to me after school if you have any questions or concerns. I will update our class page regularly.


Thank you for your support, it is hugely appreciated.


Mrs Farley

What have we been doing in Year 5F ?

Music - Dancing in the Street

Maths - Regular and Irregular Polygons

Science Investigation into Properties of Materials

Enjoying Collective Worship

Sharing the stories that we worked so hard to write.

Stop the Pollution!

Still image for this video

Investigating which materials dissolve to create solutions!

Fact Files about the Planets in our Solar System

Investigating the Effect of Gravity

5F's Child Friendly Behaviour Policy

St Patricks St Maries