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Year 5P

Welcome to Mrs Farley's Year 5 class

 Year 5P

A very warm welcome back! I hope you have all had a fantastic break and feel rested and fresh, ready to start the Spring term.

Year 5 is a particularly important year and as a team, we will work incredibly hard to make sure it is a wonderful experience for the children. Parents and pupils often have lots of questions, so please feel free to contact school if you have any worries or would like a quick chat about your child.

I know this will be a brilliant year for the children, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them learning new skills, as well as having lots of fun throughout the year!

Mrs Farley


General Information

This half term we will be starting with the Religious Education theme of 'Mission', celebrating our role in the wider community. Our Science topics are Earth and Space and Forces. The Vikings will be the focus of our History lessons. 



Please let school know if any of your contact details have changed (phone number, email, addresses) in the event we need to call home or contact you. If you need to contact school our number is 01704 225 906. The class email is  (please note replies will be responded to within 48hours).


We will post English and Maths homework every Monday on Purple Mash. Please encourage your children to practise their spellings several times before completing the online task, to ensure they have a real chance of gaining a good score.  Children will be expected to complete their homework every week, as well as reading each night (approximately 20-30mins). Spellings and timestables will be tested each week.

Completing homework on time, in an organised and structured way is an  excellent habit to encourage, which will prepare children for the future and form a key part in consolidating their learning. Revising times tables will also help your child with key elements of Maths.
If your child is finding homework a challenge please don’t hesitate to let me know.



P.E. sessions will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. The children will wear their PE kits to school on that day. If your child wears earrings, they must be able to take them out and put them back in themselves. Your help with this would be much appreciated.



A quick reminder -if your child has a medical condition that staff need to know about, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medicine, please make sure it has been returned to school, and is not out of date and that the appropriate forms have been signed.

What have we been doing in Year 5?

Living History Day - We were Anglo Saxons!


We spent a marvellous day at Martin Mere in their Anglo Saxon village called Mere Tun.  We learned how to weave, thatch and forage for food.  We even has the chance to train as Anglo-Saxon warriors, learning to defend the village from invaders like the Vikings. It was great fun!

Hello Yellow Day!

Each year we take time to reflect on our mental health, and this year we thought about resilience and how it is important to have 'Bouncebackability'.


We discussed in class how being resilient means remembering that we aren't alone, that everyone experiences different feelings at different times and it's okay not to be okay. We sometimes have to be brave and realise that might mean asking for help. Being in nature can have a positive impact on how we feel, and we took a quiet, reflecting walk around the school field, taking time to think about how we can be resilient now, and in the future.

Mission Statement Day!

Faithfully following in the footsteps of Jesus,

We serve, love and learn together,

inspiring each other to excellence.


Today in school we celebrated how we follow our school Mission Statement and try to think about the example set for us by Jesus, as we live and learn in our school community. We explored how to 'serve, love and learn together' and realised that we could inspire others through the examples we set. We enjoyed participating in a range of different activities and ended the day by sharing our ideas in the sunshine, with Year 1. 

Mission Statement Day

Sharing Assembly for Mission Day

Science Investigation Fun! We investigated whether materials were opaque, translucent or transparent!

Anti-Bullying Week and so many different activities to enjoy!

A Special Visit from Teachers at Birkdale

St Patricks St Maries