Home Page

Year 6L

Welcome to Year 6L!

 Year 6 is a very important year so parents and pupils often have many questions, usually about SATs and high schools.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss anything. 

Miss Lowe


Contact Details

If there have been any changes, please update your contact details at the school office.


Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition, please inform school as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler, or any other medication, please make sure it is in school and in date. 


Reading Records

Children must bring their reading book and record to school on a daily basis. Reading records are to be used by the children to record what they have read and for parents/carers to provide feedback, or make comments, on the reading they have done with their child.


Spellings and homework will be sent out every Friday. Homework is to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Please ensure your child completes their homework every week. This is in addition to reading each night. Spellings and homework play a key part in consolidating learning. Revising all of the times tables on a weekly basis will also help your child.



P.E. lessons will take place every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is in school.



Lessons will take place every Friday morning. Please ensure instruments are in school.

Autumn Term 2018

Q&A with Farther John

Croxteth Hall

Christmas with our Reception Buddies

Spring Term 2019

Class Mass - Tuesday 5th February

We can celebrate as a year group, give thanks and look towards the next term.


Parents' Evenings - Wednesday 27th February/Thursday 28th February

An opportunity to discuss progress and acknowledge the hard work the children have achieved so far this year.


Ash Wednesday - Wednesday 6th March

Exploring maps in Geography


Summer Term 2019

School Uniform


Our summer uniform may be worn after Easter; please ensure that children wear black school shoes and not trainers; shoulder length hair should be tied back (plaits, bunches or ponytail) and ribbons and headbands should be royal blue/blue in colour and suitable for school.  My thanks for supporting our uniform policy which ensures that our pupils always look their best! 

After School Booster


Monday 29th April and Wednesday 8th May


Mrs Prescott – Maths

Mrs Forden – Reading


Tuesday 30th April and Tuesday 7th May


Miss Lowe – Maths

Miss McAteer – Maths

Key Stage 2 SATs 2019


Statutory tests will be administered in the following subjects:


Reading (60 minutes)

The reading test consists of a single test paper with three unrelated reading texts. Children are given 60 minutes in total, which includes reading the texts and answering the questions. A total of 50 marks are available. Questions are designed to assess the comprehension and understanding of a child’s reading. During the reading paper, a child’s inference and deduction skills are thoroughly tested. They will also be expected to answer questions on authorial choices, explaining why an author has chosen to use particular vocabulary, grammar and text features. Some questions are multiple choice or selected response; others require short answers and some require an extended response or explanation.


Spelling (approximately 15 minutes)

Punctuation, Vocabulary and Grammar (45 minutes)

A spelling test is administered containing 20 words, which lasts approximately 15 minutes. A separate test is given on grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. This test lasts for 45 minutes and requires short answer questions including some multiple choice. Marks for these two tests are added together to give a total for grammar, punctuation and spelling.



Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes)

Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes)

Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes)

Children will sit three tests: paper 1, paper 2 and paper 3. Paper 1 is for arithmetic lasting for 30 minutes, covering calculation methods for all operations, including use of fractions, percentages and decimals. Questions gradually increase in difficulty. Papers 2 and 3 cover problem solving and reasoning, each lasting for 40 minutes. Pupils will still require calculation skills but will need to answer questions in context and decide what is required to find a solution.


All tests are externally marked. Writing will be teacher assessed internally.



Monday 13 May 2019

English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2

Tuesday 14 May 2019

English reading

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Mathematics papers 1 and 2

Thursday 16 May 2019

Mathematics paper 3


How to help your child:


· Support and reassure your child that there is nothing to worry about and that they should always just try their best. Praise and encourage!


· Ensure your child has the best possible attendance at school.


· Support your child with any homework tasks.


· Reading, spelling and arithmetic (e.g. times tables) are always good to practise.


· Talk to your child about what they have learnt at school and what book(s) they are reading (the character, the plot, their opinion).


· Make sure your child has a good sleep and healthy breakfast every day!

Summer Term dates


Tues                 23rd Apr                                       School re-opens

Mon                 6th May                                        Bank Holiday

Mon                 13th – Thurs  16th May                SATs Key Stage 2 tests

Fri                    24th May                                      School closes – Whit Holidays – 3.30pm

Mon                 10th June                                      School re-opens

Thurs                27th June                                      Mufti day for Fun Day

Fri                    28thJune                                        Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul

Fri                     5th July                                         Mufti day for Fun Day

Thurs                11th July                                       Mufti Day for Fun Day                         

Fri                    12th July                                        Fun Day

Mon                 15th July                                        KS2 Sports Day 1.30 pm (reserve day Tues 16th July)

Wed                  17th July                                         Reports sent out      

Thurs                18th July                                        Yr 6 Production (evening 6.30pm)

Fri                     19th July                                       Yr 6 Production (afternoon 2pm)                               

Mon                  22nd July                                       Yr 6 Leavers’ Mass in School – 7pm

Tues                 23rd July                                         Yr 6 Leavers’ Assembly 10am

Tues                 23rd July                                          Summer Holidays begin – 2pm

St Patricks St Maries