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Year 3W

Welcome to 3W's Web Page

The week at a glance

Monday:              Table test             Homework given out             PE
Tuesday:           PE
Wednesday:        Spelling test         Spelling homework
Thursday:           Reading books changed

At the bottom of this page you will find useful documents to keep you informed about life in year 3
This term our creative topic will feature learning about the Ancient Egyptians. 
We will explore :-where Egypt is in the world, the timeline leading back to Ancient Egypt, the importance of the River Nile, how society worked, the pharaohs and Tutankamun, Egyptian death rituals (mummies), hieroglyphics and Egyptian art and design.

During the Spring Term, we will be learning all about Brazil and the Amazon Rainforest.

In our topic we will explore the climate and culture of Brazil as well as exploring the amazing wildlife of the Amazon Rainforest. We will create a wonderful variety of art  and DT work including animal prints and junk instruments.

As part of the topic we will also be learning about the Mardi Gras celebrations that take place in Brazil each year.


Starting on Thursday 15th May the children will be participating in swimming lessons as part of the P.E Curriculum. The children will be asked to bring a swimming kit which includes; a swimming costume or swimming trunks (no shorts), swimming hat, towel and goggles if required .

For our creative topic this term we will be studying the Sefton Coast and contrasting Southport with the small Hebridean island of Coll. As part of our studies we will be undertaking a field trip to the Ainsdale sand dunes to look at a sand dune ecosystem

Christ the King Benchball and Football Tournaments.wmv

Still image for this video

Junk Instruments.wmv

Still image for this video

Stanley Language Festival.wmv

Still image for this video
St Patricks St Maries