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Summer Term - Making sculptures - Clay mini models

Spring Term

To celebrate our topic work on castles we visited Clitheroe Castle on Monday 8th April. We met with three Dragon Protection Officers and enrolled in SWORD (Society for the Welfare of Rare Dragons).

We found out how to identify different dragons, discovered what they eat, where they live and their likes and dislikes. We also trained in the sword and shield techniques that are required to stop Dragon Slayers. 

We had a fantastic day!!! 

Music with Mrs Murphy

During Autumn 2 our topic was all about Hot and Cold. We focused on different types of weather and identifying Hot and Cold places around the world and why they experience the climates that they do. 

During Autumn 1 we have been learning all about toys. We have found out about toys in the past and how they compare to the toys we play with today. 

We have loved learning about toys and lots of children have brought in their parents and grandparents toys to show to the class. smiley

Exploring older toys

St Patricks St Maries