Home Page

Yr4 RG


Year 4

Mrs Garlick's Class smiley


Welcome to Year 4G!


I hope you have all enjoyed your break and are looking forward another exciting half term. Please continue to explore our class page as it will be filled with photographs of all the exciting activities that we will be taking part in throughout the year.


Our topic for the Spring term is all about ‘Settlements’, as well as exploring some of Monet's artwork.  If you have any books, pictures or objects related to this topic we would love to see them. We will take great care of any resources that are sent into school. 


The children will be working incredibly hard this term to rehearse for their performance of 'Born for This'. I am sure there will be lots of singing taking place at home! 


Who is in our class?

Mrs Powsey, Mrs Frost and Mrs Byrne are the fabulous teaching assistants who help us each day with our learning. 



Children are asked to bring their reading book and record into school each day. I am encouraging the children to practise reading aloud at home and keep a signed record of their reading both in school and at home. Reading books will be changed when the children have completed them.



Homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned the following Friday. Weekly homework will include a Maths based activity to reinforce learning which has taken place during the week and a spelling activity. The children will be tested each Thursday on their spellings, and they will be assessed each Monday on times table facts. It is important for the children to be learning their times table facts on a regular basis, developing their pace and recall. Additional creative homework will be sent throughout the year which will have links to our topics. 


Times Tables

Making sure that the children can quickly recall all the times tables facts will really help with their learning in Year 4.  These websites help the children do this, at their own pace and in a fun way. (children can use their school login)




We will have P.E. on a Wednesday and Friday this half term. Our focus will be on Swimming and Hockey. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school, these will be sent home each half term. 



We will be going swimming from Wednesday 5th February. All swimming lessons will take place at the beginning of the day. Please ensure your child has a hat, costume and towel with them. 



The children are welcome to bring a snack to school for morning and afternoon break. Please ensure that these snacks are healthy!


We are really looking forward to an exciting half term in Year 4!


Mrs Garlick 😊 

4G's Long Term Plan

4G's Creative Overview

Year 4G's Mathematics Overview

Year 4G's Autumn Term Mathematics Objectives

Spring Term Mathematics Objectives

Spring Term Creative Overview

St Patricks St Maries