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Year 2G

Our Royal Celebration

Welcome to Year 2!  smiley 

All the children in 2G have settled back into school brilliantly after a wonderful Easter break and are setting a great example to the younger children. 


Our new topics for the Summer term will be all about 'Florence Nightingale' and 'The Seaside'. If you have any books, pictures or objects related to these topics we would love to see them and will take great care of anything brought into school. 


Reading Books

Please try and read with your child as often as possible. Lots of children are enjoying our Reading Challenge and love to see stickers on their chart when they read all their books each week. Books will be changed once a week if a child's Reading Record has been signed.



We have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure that your child has their kit in school on these days. 



This year, in addition to weekly spellings children will bring home a piece of work to complete, linked to Maths or Punctuation and Grammar. This is sent out every Monday and collected in the following Monday to allow everyone to have enough time to complete the task. 


If you or your child have any concerns about homework, or school in general, please don't hesitate to come in and see us or arrange an appointment. Sometimes children can be worried about seemingly small things but we would rather sort out any problems straight away so that everyone is happy and loves coming to school. 



Our Healthy Snack scheme has now started. If your child is taking part in the scheme please make sure that you send in their money every Monday or at the beginning of each half term.


We are looking forward to such an exciting year!

Mrs Garlick smiley

Year Two Long Term Overview

Year 2 Autumn Term- Maths Objectives

Year 2 Autumn Term Overview

Year 2 Spring Term-Maths Objectives

Year 2-Summer Term Overview

Year 2- Summer Term Maths Overview

St Patricks St Maries