Home Page

Year 5F

Welcome to Year 5F's Class Page


General Information

Children are asked to have their reading diary in school each day as this will enable me to provide a comment to inform parents when children have taken part in Guided Reading sessions. Reading diaries are also to be used by the children to record what they have read and for parents/carers to provide feedback, or make comments, on the reading they have done with their child as they wish .



English and Maths homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Friday. Any homework set will reinforce learning which has taken place during the week. The children will also be regularly tested on spellings and times table facts.


P.E. sessions take place each Monday and Wednesday, although this may be subject to changes throughout the school year. Please ensure a full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled.


Beginning Wednesday 21st November, the children will have swimming lessons at the local swimming baths. The lessons will run for 9 weeks.




This year the children will be taking part in 'brass' lessons. Each Friday the children will be provided with the opportunity to learn to play an instrument taught by Mr. Fogg. We will be in touch shortly with further details regarding this.


Year 5 Overview

Year 5 Maths Overview

Year 5 Autumn Term Maths Objectives

Year 5 Spring Term Maths Objectives

Year 5 Summer Term Maths Objectives

Hello Yellow Day 10.10.18

What do you think are the ingredients of a good friendship?

Spring Term Overview

St Patricks St Maries