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Yr4 CS

I hope that you have all had a wonderful half term break. 


This half term we will be continuing swimming lessons on Wednesday mornings and after the fun we had during or assembly, I am really looking forward to beginning practising for the Year 3 and 4 Easter Performance.


Don't forget to keep up with the times tables and spelling practise!



Welcome Back


A very Happy New Year to you all!  Thank you so much for all the lovely photographs of the children over the Christmas Break.  I have really enjoyed seeing all the wonderful things that they have been doing to help.


The children have settled back to school really well and they are looking forward to begin practising for our Class Assembly at the end of the month.


This term our topic is 'Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Water'.  More detail is included in the Creative Overview attached below.


We will be starting swimming lessons this half term, at the beginning of February.  The lessons will be on Wednesday morning and we ask that children come to school with a hat, costume and towel.


Homework will continue as the previous term. It would really help the children to continue to focus on times tables and spellings using the websites below.


Many thanks for all your support,


Miss Stevenson



Spring Maths Objectives

Practising our bow holds.

4S have been having fun in PE lessons to create a fantastic dance, linked to our English work on 'Escape from Pompeii'.

4S PE Lessons



I hope that you have all had a lovely summer.  The children have had a brilliant start to the year, earning the highest House Points score with all their hard work.  It has been so lovely to see them settle so well and  I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all this year!



Children are asked to bring their reading books and diary to school on a daily basis.  This will enable me to record comments when a child has taken part in Guided Reading or a 1 to 1 reading session. 


Reading diaries are also to be used by the children to record their independent reading and for parents/carers to provide feedback or make comments on the reading they have done with their child.  



Children are invited to bring their own snacks to be eaten during morning or afternoon break times.  Snacks should be a healthy food choice such as fruit or a cereal bar.  Chocolate bars and crisps are not considered to be healthy snacks.


English and Maths homework will be set each Friday and should be completed and returned the following Friday.  Any homework set will reinforce learning related to basic Maths skills and spelling patterns. The children will also have a spelling test every Thursday.  In addition to this, the children will receive various additional homework activities throughout the year related to the creative topics.


This half term, P.E. sessions will take place each Tuesday and Friday.  Please ensure a full P.E. kit is brought to school and that items are clearly labelled.  It would be useful to have a tracksuit or suitable outdoor wear, stored in class, for P.E sessions that take place outside during the winter months. 


In February, we will begin swimming lessons.  Children will need to ensure they bring a swimming costume, swimming hat, towel and goggles.



This year the children will learn to play the violin. Every Thursday afternoon, the children will have a music lesson taught by Mrs Reed.  The children will be working towards a concert to be held in the Summer term to showcase their wonderful singing and violin skills.


If you have any questions, please feel free to pop in and ask!


Miss Stevenson

Spelling and Times Tables Links


Making sure that the children can quickly recall all the times tables facts and remember previous spelling words will really help their learning in Year 4.  These websites help the children do this, at their own pace and in a fun way. (children can use their school login)

Long Term Plan and Creative Overview

St Patricks St Maries