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Come and See

For our fifth topic in Year 2, ‘Thanksgiving’, we have explored the Big Question ‘Why should we be grateful people?’ 2J have discussed our experiences of receiving and giving thanks in the school, home and community. We have studied the story of the Last Supper and some of us recognise that Catholics go to Mass to remember what Jesus did at the Last Supper and give thanks to God. We have also enjoyed exploring signs and symbols, different words and phrases used in the Eucharist (at Mass) to give thanks.

Our Thanksgiving Dances

For our fourth topic in Year 2, ‘Books’, we have explored the Big Question ‘Why do we need books?’

Throughout this topic, 2J have talked about their experiences and feelings about the different books that are used at home and school and wondered about the importance of books in their lives. We are able to recognise that the Bible is a special book and we can all name some of the stories in the Bible. Some of us can also name some of the special books used in church and can describe how the Gospels are used by the parish family.

Exploring a range of books to start our topic

For our third Come and See topic, 'Preparations', we have explored the Big Question: 'Do we need to prepare?'

Over the last 4 weeks, we have been looking at preparations specifically linked to the time of Advent. We have talked about our own experiences and feelings of preparing for special occasions. We are all able to recognise the events around the birth of Jesus as religious

Stories and can retell the stories of the Annunciation, the Visitation and the Nativity while showing how we are familiar with the characters in those events. Some of us can use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols connected with the liturgical season of Advent. We have also discussed how important it is to prepare well and what happens if there is no preparation.  Finally, most of us can describe how Christians follow Jesus as the light of the world and live that out in their lives.


Our Stained Glass Windows

For our second topic in Year 2, Signs and Symbols, we have explored the big question: ‘Do we need signs and symbols?

2J have talked about our experience and feelings about signs which help us in daily life and the symbols which are important to us. We have wondered about the meaning and importance of some symbols in our lives. We are able to recognise the signs and symbols used in baptism through looking at Church’s Story 2 and can use some religious words and phrases to describe some actions and symbols used in baptism. We can also describe some ways in which Christians live as followers of the light of Christ.


Our Rejoice and Gather Collective Worship linked to Signs and Symbols

Show and Tell

Exploring the stages of Baptism, working in groups to put them in order.

For our first Come and See topic in Year 2, Beginnings, we have explored the big question: 'Who made the world and everything in it?'


2J have talked about our experiences and feelings about new beginnings and have shared what they wonder about the excitement and surprise that a new start can bring. We have explored why some new beginnings are easy and some are hard.


We have also explored the meaning of a psalm and read some extracts from God's Story 2 based upon Psalm 8, Psalm 19 and Psalm 139.


Last week, 2J enjoyed using actions to help them recall the religious story of Creation. We have been outside to explore the beauty around us as God's creation. 2J are able to recognise that people are kind and loving because God made them. 


We finally coloured in a picture of the world in bright and beautiful colours because we think God made a bright and beautiful world which we should love and care for. 2J decided that to go forth from this topic, every time we start a new beginning we should not be scared and have a positive attitude to new experiences!

Ending our first Come and See topic, Beginnings, by colouring in God's beautiful creation.

St Patricks St Maries